Just thought I'd share some of my musical tastes, I LOVE punk, rock and a bit of metal sometimes, and I despise new age rap and pop, no effort is put into it and alot of the singers and artists have no talent or anything, they just have some money. I also don't mind watsky, who is the best rapper since.. since I started listening to him :D, so go check him out if you actually read this, thanks
I also play with a pretty swell guy called 'Win Guy' and he usually wins a lot.. you can tell by the name, we're not gonna have tournaments, bu
On Wednesdays, me and my broski neoflashtv will be having online pool tournaments, basically 3 or 5 games, to decide who is the ULTIMATE ONLINE POOL CHAMPION!
Thats it.
Well, for the first time, I started up a website as a side project, making one at school too so I want to compare the two and see which one gets better, obviously I will keep updated whenever something major happens, I might post some awesome websites and funny youtube videos and music and such. Anyway, welcome guys.